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Image by Ivana Cajina

Chastity's Testimony


In 1990, at the age of 16, I made two decisions that would affect the rest of my life. That decision was abortion. I chose this decision because of a stronghold of fear and lies that I was allowing to control me. I continued the relationship that I was in and at the age of 17 I became pregnant a third time. This time would be different. I knew that abortion would not be a choice for me again, so we decided to get married. I lived everyday with guilt and shame for what I had done. The sin of abortion had a hold on me and I was in my own secret prison that only I knew about. In 1997, I broke my silence and told my pastor about my two abortions. That day in my pastor’s office I accepted God’s forgiveness and grace for the first time. Jesus broke the chains that had bound me and He made me free! I walked away on a new journey of healing. I began the Bible study Forgiven and Set Free to help me in my healing process. I was married for 17 years and had 4 children. In 2007, my marriage ended in divorce. God brought my husband Jay into my life in April of 2009. We were married on July 3, 2010. I became pregnant and on December 22, 2010 we found out our baby had no heartbeat. I had miscarried. We were just entering our 5th month of pregnancy. This brought hurt and pain in my life in a way I had never experienced. Jesus was my comforter and healer. He once again touched my broken heart. I learned to trust God even more. The Lord blessed us with two more children. I give God all honor and praise for blessing us with 6 children here on earth and 3 that I will one day meet in heaven. In 2018, the Lord put on my heart the calling to reach out to those hurting from loss. Anne Ministries began in September of 2018. Anne means "grace" and that is what this ministry is about, extending God's grace and allowing Him to heal your deepest hurt. This ministry reaches out to those hurting from abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. The ministry expanded in 2021 offering pregnancy support services to those facing an unplanned pregnancy. Chastity and her family attend Emmanuel Baptist Church in Newland, NC. 


His Grace Covers All 


In 2018 Chastity was called to write His Grace Covers All. In September of 2020 it was published and released. His Grace Covers All is a memoir inspired by God of one woman's journey from childhood to adulthood and how God's grace and guidance brought her through life's trials and challenges. Chastity shares how she found God's grace through forgiveness, hope, and healing in her life, which led to a deeper faith and trust in the Lord. His Grace is always available but often found in times when we least expect it. When we look back over our lives, we can see just how truly amazing His grace is.


To purchase a copy you can visit His Grace Covers All on Facebook, contact Chastity, or visit Amazon.

* All Proceeds go toward supporting Anne Ministries.* 

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To Contact Chastity about Speaking: 

Chastity is always looking for opportunities to share her testimony and about Anne Ministries to others! If you are interested in getting her to speak at your church or an event coming up let her know on the forum below. 

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